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Israel Studies Graduate Student Research Grants

UCLA graduate student grants are available to conduct research in Israel Studies during the academic year or the summer.

Award Amounts: up to $7,500

Maximum Award Period:
• Fall and Spring Funding Cycles: 1 year from date of decision
• Summer Funding Cycle: Summer term only

2023–24 Grant Deadlines:

There are three funding cycles for the grants:


Applications Accepted Beginning: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Applications Due: Sunday, November 12, 2023
Applicants Notified By: Friday, December 8, 2023


Applications Accepted Beginning: Friday, January 5, 2024
Applications Due: Monday, March 25, 2024
Applicants Notified By: Friday, April 5, 2024


Applications Accepted Beginning: Sunday, March 10, 2024
Applications Due: Monday, April 15, 2024
Applicants Notified By: Monday, May 13, 2024

Who Should Apply:

• Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program at UCLA.
• The Center welcomes grant applications from graduate students in a wide range of disciplines, including, but not limited to history, political science, economics, sociology, literature, visual and performing arts, management, engineering, law, public health, environment and sustainability.

To Apply:

Applicants should complete the electronic grant application by the above date indicated. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application Guidelines:

Materials required to complete the application include:

• Current Curriculum Vitae
• Transcript – unofficial is accepted
• Proposed title for research project
• Research project abstract (200 word limit) - provide the project/dissertation title and briefly describe the topic of research.
• Research proposal (1,500 word limit) that demonstrates how your project will advance knowledge of Israeli society, history, or culture. Describe the project in terms that can be understood by an academic audience who may not specialize in your chosen field and include a detailed outline of the research agenda (e.g., specific research activities and locations such as field locations, archives and libraries). 
• A list of specific activities or products anticipated as a result of the funded research, e.g., conference presentations, workshop or symposia participation, publications readied for submission to peer-reviewed academic journals, or programs to be organized by the student.
• Itemized budget as per the budget template provided (click here)
• Letters of recommendation (2) - The recommenders should address the relevance of the proposed research for the applicant's course of study/dissertation project, as well as the applicant's overall academic and professional potential.
• Applicants provide the names and contact information of the recommenders in the online application; once the application has been submitted, the recommenders will receive automated emails from the system, instructing them where and how to upload their recommendations. Applicants should therefore ensure they submit the application as early as possible.


Grant Terms and Conditions:

UCLA Graduate Council has established a policy of Maximum Limit on the total amount of support a graduate student may receive. In addition, certain grants are incompatible and may not be held concurrently. You must inform the Y&S Nazarian Center in writing and obtain approval to combine several funding sources before accepting any other awards for this project.

Funds must be used during the period for which they are awarded; requests for project extension/ carryover of awards must be submitted to the Nazarian Center in writing at least one month prior to award period end date.

Recipients must agree to the following:

• Submit a final report describing the project outcomes. For Fall and Spring funding cycle award recipients, these reports are due at the end of the maximum award period (one year from the date of the decision). For Summer cycle award recipients, the report is due within the first four weeks of the Fall Quarter directly following the Summer award period.
• Proof of travel, as applicable (e.g., e-ticket or passenger receipt with form of payment clearly indicated; or a redacted credit card statement with travel expense highlighted).
• Acknowledge the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies in all public informational materials and publications resulting from the grant (e-mail citations/links for any publications that result from the project).
• Inform the Y&S Nazarian Center in a timely manner about any academic presentations or publications made possible due to the financial support of the Y&S Nazarian Center. This includes publications or presentations made after the funding period has ended that were made possible by research conducted thanks to the support of the Center.
• Participate in the Center's research seminars and present your project findings in one of the seminar sessions, and prepare a project-related article for publication on the Center’s website.

Note: UCLA Graduate Council has established a policy of Maximum Limit on the total amount of support a graduate student may receive. In addition, certain grants are incompatible and may not be held concurrently. You must inform the Y&S Nazarian Center in writing and obtain approval to combine several funding sources before accepting any other awards for this project.

For more information about the grant and application process, please contact the Center at israel@international.ucla.edu or (310) 825-9646.