Support the Center

To learn more about our ongoing programs dedicated to serving students, faculty, and the community, please read the UCLA CWL 2021-2022 Year-in-Review.

We encourage you to participate in our events and support our efforts to promote innovative research, pioneer new teaching methods, and bring them to educators, while increasing knowledge and understanding about language acquisition and assessment

Private philanthropy is critical to the health and vitality of our program. There are many ways to give, including outright gifts, pledges payable over time, and permanent endowments. Gifts of any size are welcome. All gifts are tax deductible and may be directed to the area of greatest interest to you. You may make your contribution online or via check or credit card.

Donate to the CWL

The center also has various initiatives that you can support to cater to your priorities.

Russian Flagship

Your gift will help fund the  summer and capstone study abroad programs for undergraduate students of the Russian Flagship Program.

Donate to the Russian Flagship


Your gift will help the center's research efforts to develop effective pedagogical approaches to teaching heritage language learners.

Donate to NHLRC

Olga Kagan Heritage Language Teaching Fund

Your gift will help the center's efforts in teacher training, curriculum design, and materials development.

Donate to the Heritage Language Teaching Fund

To learn more about how you can help support us, please contact:

Arturo Díaz
Executive Director, UCLA Center for World Languages
1332 Rolfe Hall
Box 951411
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1411

Peter Cowe
Director, UCLA Center for World Languages