Ukrainian Proficiency Exam

The Center for World Languages offers a Ukrainian proficiency test for Los Angeles County high school students that is accepted by most Southern California high schools.

Location: Online

Exam Period: May 1 to October 31, 2024

Exam Format

There are three ways to take the exam.

  1. It can be proctored online by a university representative.
  2. It can be mailed to a Sylvan testing center located close to where a student lives. Please note that this option requires payment to the testing center by the parents for proctoring and sending the exam to UCLA. 
  3. It can be administered by a guidance counselor or school representative.


The fee for taking the exam is $100 (credit card only), which can be paid online.

Fill out the following form to register and pay online: Registration Webform  


For more information about the exam, please read the following FAQs.

Who is the exam for?
It was created for Los Angeles-area high school students who speak Ukrainian at home and can read and write in Ukrainian.

Where did the exam come from?
The test was written and is periodically revised by faculty at the UCLA Ukrainian Language Program in the Department of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Languages and Cultures.

What kinds of questions are asked?
The test assesses reading and writing only and includes exercises on grammar, vocabulary, essays, and a summary in English of a Ukrainian text. A practice test is at the bottom of this document (see .pdf).

How long does the exam take to complete?
Students have a maximum of 90 minutes to finish the exam.

Can students who pass the exam earn high school credit?
The exam does not bear credit on its own and the decision to award credit is made by a student’s high school. We send a proficiency certificate to the student’s high school. On that certificate we equate a grade from A to B to three years of high school study and from B- through C- to two years of high school study. The exam does not on its own carry credit outside of a school’s decision to award it.

How many times may students take the exam?
Students are allowed to take the exam for each language only once.

What is the fee to take the exam?
We charge a fee of $100 per exam, which can be paid online when you register. Please note that taking the exam at a Sylvan location will involve an additional fee; please contact them for more information.

How can a student arrange to take the exam?
Please contact us at

Download file: 2024_Practice_Test-_Ukrainian-Language-Proficiency-Exam-cb-f4m.pdf