IUC for Korean Language Studies at SKKU
Study abroad opportunity

IUC at SKKU; cropped.
The IUC (Inter-University Center) for Korean Language Studies at SKKU is an advanced Korean language for academic researchers, graduate students, and prospective researchers in Korean Studies as well as related professionals.
The Campus for the Center is located within the Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) humanities and social science campus in Seoul, South Korea, and is jointly operated by SKKU and the Committee on Korean Studies (affiliated under the Association for Asian Studies). Universities with significant Korean or East Asian Studies profiles in North America participate as member universities of the IUC at SKKU. Through the Center for Korean Studies (CKS), UCLA is a member university and thereby UCLA students will automatically be granted reduced tuition by member university tuition rate.
The mission of the Center is to provide the intensive high-level Korean language training, including instruction in Sino-Korean and hanmun, needed for excellent academic performance in Korean Studies, and to promote the learners' ability in presenting research papers, accessing primary sources, and translating between Korean and their own languages.
Student must apply directly to the IUC at SKKU (contact information below) since this program is administered by and housed at SKKU.
Students have benefited enormously from this program, and those focusing on regional studies in East Asia in particular may benefit their research as a step forward pursuing advanced degree in the field of Korean Studies.
For details on the IUC program at SKK including eligibility and application, please visit https://iuc.skku.edu
Please download pdf file below for details for 2025 academic year including program dates, eligibility, admission process, and application deadlines. Contact Dr. Hyung-Wook Kim (hyung-wook.kim@international.ucla.edu) for application form.
Download file:2025-Academic-Year-for-Advanced-Academic-Korean--IUC--Eng--yg-afe.pdf
Published: Wednesday, January 17, 2024