Image for The Great

Kemal Mohamedou

Undergraduate Intern

Kemal is a second-year international relations student from King's College London attending UCLA for the full academic year 2021/22 through the UCEAP study abroad program. He is interested in the global rise of authoritarianism and the politics of interventionism. UCLA was his first preference institution for study abroad because of its scholarly pedigree and the globally influential and intellectual role Los Angeles plays. He also chose UCLA due to its strong links to the world of policymaking and because it would allow him to pursue unique internship opportunities, such as the one here at the Burkle Center. He hopes the internship will be helpful in complementing his academic training and in providing him with the necessary experience required for the professional world. Kemal intends to pursuing a master’s degree after the completion of his Bachelors at King’s College and is increasingly contemplating the idea of a career in Swiss diplomacy as he continues to enrich his international experience.