Image for The Great

Karla Renschler

Undergraduate Intern

Karla Renschler is a fourth-year Global Studies and Political Science student with a minor in Geography and Environmental Studies. She is originally from Aachen, Germany but grew up in California. This year Karla spent six months interning for the World Resources Institute in Washington DC and established her passion for environmental communications and research. She is most interested in how non-profits communicate about climate change and sustainable development to transform international policy. Karla joined the Burkle Center as an intern two years ago and served as Intern Captain last year. This year she will act as Special Projects Captain facilitating Burkle lectures and research projects. Outside of the Burkle Center, Karla is a research assistant for the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, where she supports social media communications and writes for the IoES Huffington Post blog. Karla also serves as President of UCLA Rotaract and enjoys leading the club in local community service projects. After completing her undergraduate degree, Karla plans to move to Washington DC to continue her work in environmental communications, and eventually get a Master’s or MBA in Environmental Management and Policy. In her “abundant” spare time, Karla loves listening to NPR, brunching, rock climbing, and hiking. She is also a huge coffee enthusiast and when she’s not in class you can almost always find her at a cafe around LA working on her thesis or reading.