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ISRAEL IN DEPTH – "Re-envisioning Resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"


Photo for ISRAEL IN DEPTH – "Re-envisioning...

On this episode of Israel in Depth, Professor Dov Waxman talks with Dr. Jay Rothman, a scholar and practitioner of conflict resolution, about why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an identity-based conflict and the implications this has for how to resolve it. Rothman is currently a Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California, San Diego. Previously, he taught in the Graduate Program on Conflict Resolution and Negotiation at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.


Israel in Depth (Episode 3) - Professor Dov Waxman, the Director of UCLA’s Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, and guest Jay Rothman discuss creatively re-envisioning resolution of the decades-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Podcast recorded April 16, 2020. Rothman has taught and guided conflict resolution projects in Arab-Jewish relations within Israel and between Israelis and Palestinians.   

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About the Guest

Jay Rothman, Ph.D., is a scholar-practitioner of creative conflict engagement and action-evaluation. He has mediated internationally and is currently a Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California, San Diego, as a Murray Galinson San Diego-Israel Initiative and Israel Institute Fellow at UCSD. He also is the conductor of the ARIA Group, Inc., which supports individuals, groups, organizations and nations to engage in identity-based conflict creatively.

Rothman has taught and guided conflict resolution projects in Arab-Jewish relations within Israel and between Israelis and Palestinians in the City of Jerusalem. Prior to UCSD, he held a variety of academic positions, including as a researcher at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, as Associate Professor in the Program on Conflict Management, Resolution and Negotiation at Bar Ilan University, Israel, and at the University of Cincinnati as Visiting Distinguished Professor.

Rothman is the author of dozens of journal articles about conflict resolution and participatory evaluation, and five books, including, most recently, Re-Envisioning Conflict Resolution: Vision, Action and Evaluation in Creative Conflict Engagement (Routledge, 2018). He is most known for his work in Identity-Based conflict and cooperation. His book Resolving Identity-Based Conflict in Nations, Organizations and Communities (Jossey-Bass, 2018) spells out his applied theory with a case study focus on Jerusalem. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and an MA in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland.

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Duration: 00:33:39


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