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ISRAEL IN DEPTH – "Israel's Post-Election Politics Amid a Pandemic"


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After a third inconclusive election in less than a year, Israel has simultaneously experienced a political crisis, a constitutional crisis and an escalating public health crisis. In this episode, Dov Waxman talks with Israeli political analyst and pollster, Dahlia Scheindlin, to make sense of what's been happening in Israeli politics.


Israel in Depth (Episode 2) - Professor Dov Waxman, the Director of UCLA’s Nazarian Center for Israel Studies,  and guest Dahlia Scheindlin discuss the results of Israel’s March 2, 2020 election and the dramatic, fast-moving political developments taking place since then – all against the backdrop of the escalating public health crisis, caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Podcast recorded March 26, 2020. 

Editors note: Since the recording of this podcast, the latest news from Israel reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his chief rival, Benny Gantz, are moving closer to forming a unity government (March 30, 2020).

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About the Guest

Dahlia Scheindlin is an international political consultant and public opinion analyst based in Tel Aviv. She is one of the leading pollsters and political analysts in Israel associated with progressive causes and peace/conflict research. She has advised eight national campaigns in Israel and has worked in more than a dozen other countries. Scheindlin conducts research and policy analysis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, regional foreign policy, democracy, human rights and civil rights, minority issues, religion and state, domestic political analysis, comparative conflict and comparative politics. She is a co-founder and columnist at +972 Magazine; a fellow at The Century Foundation; policy fellow at Mitvim – the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies; and she co-hosts the The Tel Aviv Review podcast. She is a frequent lecturer, analyst and media commentator. Scheindlin holds a Master of Theological Studies degree from Harvard Divinity School and a PhD in Political Science from Tel Aviv University. (Photo credit: Eyal Warshavsky)


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Duration: 00:39:19


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