Xiaoming  Li

Xiaoming Li

Co-Director, Joint Research Institute in Science and Engineering by PKU and UCLA; Professor
Peking University
Beijing, CA 100871

Li Xiaoming, a professor in computer science and technology and the director of Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems (NCIS) at Peking University, China. His current research interest is in search engine and web mining. He led the effort of developing a Chinese search engine (Tianwang) since 1999, and is the founder of the Chinese web archive (Web InfoMall). Related papers have been published in WWW Conference, CIKM, Computer Networks, Journal of Software and Systems, and Journal of Web Engineering, etc. Under his direction, the Institute is focused on the areas of search engine and web mining, peer-to-peer computing, distributed systems, mobile computing, high productivity computing, and database systems. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including Concurrency and Computation (John Wiley), Journal of Web Engineering (Rinton), ete. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of Eta Kappa Nu. He also serves as a vice president for Chinese Computer Federation and is chairing the Advisory Subcommittee for Undergraduate Computing Education in China.