Richard Sisson

image for Sisson

Professor Emeritus of Political Science

Department: Political Science
2068 Derby Hall
154 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: (614) 292-1146

Keywords: India

Professor Sisson has research and teaching interests in comparative politics with special emphasis on legislatures, parties, electoral politics, and democratization, particularly in India and other states of Asia. His current research focuses on voting behavior and electoral politics in contemporary India. He is the author of War and Secession: Pakistan, India, and the Creation of Bangladesh; Congress and Indian Nationalism: The Preindependence Phase; and The Congress Party in Rajasthan: Political Integration and Institution Building in an Indian State. He has been a frequent contributor to edited volumes and a variety of professional journals. He currently serves as General Editor of the forthcoming Encyclopedia of the American Midwest, is co-editor (with Edward D. Mansfield) of the forthcoming The Evolution of Political Knowledge: Theory and Inquiry in American Politics and the companion volume The Evolution of Political Knowledge: Democracy, Autonomy, and Conflict in Comparative and International Politics, and, with Geoffrey Parker, is co-editor of the forthcoming Ohio and the World: From Circa 1753 to Circa 2053. He has been active in professional organizations having served as Co-Chair of the Program Committee of the American Political Science Association, as Chair of the Council of Provosts of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, and as President of the Ohio Historical Society. He served as Interim President of The Ohio State University, and until his retirement held the Board of Trustees Chair in Comparative Politics.

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