Edited by John Jorgensen
Translated by Juhn Y. Ahn
1. The Greatly Enlightened, World Honored One, Śākyamuni Buddha 大覺世尊釋迦文佛 <Case 1>
3. The World Honored One Picks Up a Flower 世尊拈花 <Case 5>
4. The World Honored One and the Confessional 世尊自恣 <Case 33>
5. The Nirvana Sūtra and the Drum Lathered with Poison 涅槃塗毒 <Case 44>
6. Manjuśrī Gathers Medicine 文殊採藥 <Case 65>
7. Bhīsmottara Gathers Medicine 目執手 <Case 74>
8. Bodhidharma and the Noble Truth 達磨聖諦 <Case 98>
9. The Fourth Patriarch’s Liberation Teaching 四祖解脱 <Case 108>
10. The Wind and the Banner 風幡 <Case 110>
11. Daoming’s Original Face 道明本來面目 <Case 118>
12. Mazu’s Single Gulp 馬祖一口 <Case 161>
13. Mazu’s Circle Image 馬祖圓相 <Case 165>
14. Baizhang’s Wild Duck 百丈野鴨 <Case 177>
15. Baizhang Revisits Mazu for a Consultation 百丈再參 <Case 181>
16. Baizhang’s Wild Fox 百丈野狐 <Case 184>
17. Nanquan Sells His Body 南泉賣身 <Case 204>
18. Nanquan Cuts the Cat in Two 南泉斬猫 <Case 207>
19. Panshan’s Moon-Mind 盤山心月 <Case 250>
20. Guizong Raises His Fist 歸宗起拳 <Case 261>
21. Fenzhou’s Deluded Thoughts 汾州妄想 <Case 284>
22. Fubei’s "I Have Nothing Left to Say" 浮盃無剩語 <Case 294>
23. Pang Yun’s Ten Directions 龐蘊十方 <Case 312>
24. The Layman and Washing Vegetables 居士洗菜 <Case 313>
25. Danxia Sets the Buddha Ablaze 丹霞燒佛 <Case 321>
26. Yaoshan’s Three Vehicles 藥山三乘 <Case 324>
27. Tianhuang’s "I Feel Great!" 天皇快活 <Case 351>
28. Weishan’s No Mind 山無心 <Case 359>
29. Huanzhong Knows Illness 寰中識病 <Case 399>
30. Zhaozhou’s "Go Have Some Tea" 趙州喫茶 <Case 411>
31. Zhaozhou’s Dog 趙州狗子 <Case 417>
32. Zhaozhou’s "Go Wash Your Bowl!" 趙州洗鉢 <Case 429>
33. Zhaozhou’s Two Dragons 趙州二龍 <Case 471>
34. Changsha’s Hundred-Foot Pole 長沙百尺 <Case 488>
35. Changsha’s Impediment 長沙礙處 <Case 494>
36. Ganzhi’s "Mind" Character 甘贄心字 <Case 507>
37. Mimo’s Pitchfork 秘魔杈却 <Case 508>
38. Decheng’s Thousand-Foot Fishing Line 德誠千尺 <Case 533>
39. Moshan’s "Neither Man Nor Woman" 末山男女 <Case 553>
40. Shishuang’s "Patriarch’s Intent Still in the Teachings" 石霜敎中 <Case 559>
41. Xiangyan’s "Last Year" 香嚴去年 <Case 598>
42. Xiangyan’s "Let’s Say There is a Person … " 香嚴如人 <Case 600>
43. Linji’s Buddha Dharma 臨濟佛法 <Case 607>
44. Linji’s Shout 臨濟便喝 <Case 633>
45. Muzhou’s "Narrow-Minded Fellow" 睦州擔板 <Case 639>
46. Muzhou’s Great Matter 睦州大事 <Case 655>
47. Deshan’s Blow 德山便棒 <Case 672>
48. Deshan’s "Ouch, Ouch!" 德山啊耶 <Case 677>
49. Dongshan’s Three Bodies 洞山三身 <Case 685>
50. Dongshan’s Experience 洞山體得 <Case 688>

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Published: Wednesday, August 22, 2012