Dr. Grace Kodindo, Columbia University
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
1:00 PM
School of Public Health (SPH), 17-256 CHS
Los Angeles , CA 90095

Dr. Grace Kodindo is Assistant Professor, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, in the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health. She is the medical and advocacy advisor for the Reproductive Health Access, Information, Services in Emergencies (RAISE) Initiative, a Columbia University program. Born and raised in Chad, she is an obstetrician-gynecologist who worked for 30 years in her country and was also the Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD) monitor of the implementation of Emergency Obstetric Care services in Mali and Rwanda. She graduated from Montreal University Faculty of Medicine in Canada.
Dr. Kodindo received the Chad Medal of Honor in 1997; the Distinguished Community Service Award for Emergency Obstetric Care from Columbia University and international Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FIGO) in 2000; and the MDG 3 Champion Torch for Action from the Denmark government in 2009. She was also involved in two documentaries with BBC: “Dead Mums Don’t Cry” in 2005 in Chad, and “Grace Under Fire” in 2009 in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
“Women’s Health and Empowerment in Africa”
Monday African Seminar Series (MAAS)
Faculty Coordinators: Paula Tavrow
MASS Spring 2012
Over the past decade, there has been growing recognition that progress in improving African women’s health will be stymied if the structural context of women’s lives, their decision-making autonomy and their status in society are not addressed. For this series, three noted African women physicians will reflect on the challenges of addressing a key facet of African women’s reproductive health, and will discuss best strategies for the future.
Monday, April 23, 1 pm, Gonda Conference Room, 1st floor
“Increasing Access to Family Planning in Rural Ethiopia”
Dr. Ndola Prata, UC Berkeley
Wednesday, May 16, 1 pm, School of Public Health (17-256, CHS)
"Reducing Maternal Mortality in Africa: What We Know"
Dr. Grace Kodindo, Columbia University
Plus screening of BBC documentary: “Dead Mums Don’t Cry”
Wednesday, May 23, 1 pm, School of Public Health (17-256, CHS)
"Female Genital Cutting in Africa: Public Health Implications"
Dr. Nawal Nour, Harvard University
These presentations are part of the UCLA African Studies Center Monday Africa Seminar Series (MASS), funded by a grant from the UCLA International Institute and co-sponsored by the UC Global Health Institute.
UCLA African Studies Center310-825-3686
Sponsor(s): African Studies Center, UC Global Health Institute