Susan Cotts Watkins

staff picture

Visiting Research Scientist

Department: California Center for Population Research
California Center for Population Research
4284 Public Policy Bldg
PO Box 951484
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1484
Phone: 310-206-7566
Fax: 310-825-8762

Keywords: Africa, Sociology, Formal Demography, Foreign Aid, AIDS

Susan Cotts Watkins is currently a Visiting Scholar at the California Center for Population Research at UCLA and Professor Emerita, University of Pennsylvania.  Her work has focused on large-scale social and demographic change, including fertility declines in historical Europe and in contemporary Africa, and the responses of donors and communities to the AIDS epidemic in Africa. In pursuing these interests, she initiated two longitudinal survey projects, one in Kenya ( and one in Malawi (, where she initiated a longitudinal ethnographic study on how Malawians talk about the AIDS epidemic (