Founded in 1959 as a U.S. National Resource Center, the James S. Coleman African Studies Center (ASC) engages a global network of students, scholars, educators, policymakers, entrepreneurs, artists, and activists committed to the imperatives of transformative research. As an Organized Research Unit (ORU) of the University of California, the ASC's mission is threefold: 1) promote and disseminate cutting-edge Africanist research and scholarship; 2) develop community outreach and service programs, including public diplomacy initiatives, international conferences, teacher-training workshops, and dialogues with the performing and visual arts; and 3) connect UCLA students and their counterparts in Africa with opportunities for academic and professional enrichment. Our collaborative projects build bridges between STEM fields, professional schools, social sciences, the humanities, and the arts. The ASC also publishes various journals, namely the African Arts (art history journal), Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, and Atlas Africa (multimedia magazine). As we celebrate 60 years of connecting communities of world-renowned faculty and experts, passionate students, and dedicated local and global allies, we invite you to join us in charting a course for the future of #UCLAforAfrica.