Friday, February 16, 2018
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall, Room 10383
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Lunch will be served at 12 PM *Please RSVP to Molly Fee (
9:45 AM: Introductory remarks: Gail Kligman; Roger Waldinger
10 AM-12 PM: Session 1:
Hans Lucht, Danish Institute for International Studies, “Migrant Underworlds. Travels in Hyporeality”
Nando Sigona, Department of Social Policy, Sociology, and Criminology, University of Birmingham (UK): “’We must stop this carnage’: The politics of death and mourning in the production of Europe’s ‘migration crisis’”
12-1 PM: Lunch
1-3 PM: Session 2:
Rita Chahal, Executive Director, Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council; Karen Montgomery-Gibbes, Assistant Director, Reception, Education and Community Services, MIIC: “Power and Politics in the Face of Humanity: Leaving the US for Asylum in Canada”
3-3:30 PM: Break
3:30-5:30 PM: Session 3
Claire Higgins, Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, University of new South Wales (Australia): 'How Italy's Humanitarian Corridors have created pathways to protection in Europe'
David FitzGerald, Department of Sociology, UCSD: “Sovereignty vs. Protection: State Efforts to Deflect and Deter Refugees”
Sponsor(s): Center for Study of International Migration, Canadian Studies Program, Center for European and Russian Studies, Luskin Endowment for Thought Leadership