16th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies

16th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies

The 16th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies brings together young scholars from all over the world who work on topics in Armenian studies. This years colloquium features papers from the fields of art history, politics, history, gender studies and anthropology.


It is organized under the auspices of the Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies with sponsorship from the Center for European and Russian Studies, Center for Near Eastern Studies, Center for the Study of Women, Center for World Languages, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Department of History, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Promise Institute for Human Rights, Society for Armenian Studies and National Association for Armenian Studies and Research. 

Click here for event website.

Sponsor(s): Center for Near Eastern Studies, Center for European and Russian Studies, Center for World Languages, Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Armenian Graduate Student Association (AGSA)