Egypt: Stillborn Revolution?

A colloquim with Hazem Kandil (Cambridge University) and Hugh Roberts (Tufts University). Sponsored by Center for Social Theory and Comparative History

Egypt: Stillborn Revolution?

Hazem Kandil's work includes Soldiers, Spies, and Statesmen: Egypt's Road to Revolt. (2012). His work has appeared in the New Left ReviewDissent, Theory and Society, and European Foreign Affairs Review.

Hugh Roberts most recent books are Berber Government: the Kabyle Polity in Pre-colonial Algeria (2014) and The Battlefield: Algeria 1988-2002 - Studies in a Broken Polity (2003). He was the Director of International Crisis Group North Africa Project in 2002-2007 and again from January to July 2011.

Cost : Free and open to the public.

(310) 825-1181
Click here for event website.

Sponsor(s): Center for Near Eastern Studies, Center for Social Theory and Comparative History