Tuesday, June 2, 2015
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Young Research Library Main Conference Room

VICTORIA LU was born into a literati family in Taiwan. She emigrated to the U.S. in the early 1970s. She attended both the College of Chinese Culture in Taipei and the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels but received her BA and MA degrees from California State University, majoring in painting. She started writing art criticism in the mid 1970s for Taiwanese newspapers and magazines. She began her curatorial career by the end of 1970's. Later, she returned to Taiwan, helping the government to establish policies regarding public art and the promotion of art education to the general public. Victoria Lu is the first female art critic and curator in the Chinese contemporary art world. Victoria Lu is currently a professor at the Fashion and Media Design Graduate School of Shih-Chien University in Taipei. She also serves as the Creative Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai.
陆蓉之(YUNG-CHIH LU)美籍华人,著名策展人、艺评家。现任上海当代艺术馆创意总监、上海外滩18号创意中心艺术总监,并在台 湾实践大学设计学院专任教授,台湾辅仁大学博物馆学研究所兼任教授,还担任美国加州国际艺术基金会亚洲地区策展人、台北当代艺术馆基金会董事、上海大学美 术学院史论系客座教授等职。曾在比利时布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院就学,获美国加州州立大学美术学士及硕士。现旅居美国洛杉矶及中国台北。
Part of Taiwan Spotlight Project.
Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies, Art History