Political Risk: How Businesses and Organizations Can Anticipate Global Insecurity with Condoleezza Rice and Amy B. Zegart
Friday, May 4, 20181:00 PM
Carnesale Commons, Palisades Ballroom
251 Charles E Young Drive West
Los Angeles, CA 90095

From New York Times bestselling author Condoleezza Rice and Stanford University professor Amy Zegart comes the definitive book to show businesses how to thrive in rapidly changing and unpredictable global markets. Companies that want a competitive edge need to manage the political risks generated by a widening array of political actors, from heads of state to local officials, from Twitter to terrorists, from activists to hackers . . . even shareholders. Based on Secretary Rice and Professor Zegart's most popular class at Stanford University, POLITICAL RISK is an invaluable study of risk management designed and scaled for multinational corporations or the next great start-up.
DR. CONDOLEEZZA RICE is currently the Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business; the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution; and a professor of Political Science at Stanford University. She is also a founding partner of RiceHadleyGates, LLC.
From January 2005 to 2009, Rice served as the 66th Secretary of State of the United States, the second woman and first African American woman to hold the post. Rice also served as President George W. Bush’s Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (National Security Advisor) from January 2001 to 2005, the first woman to hold the position.
Rice served as Stanford University’s Provost from 1993-1999, during which she was the institution's chief budget and academic officer. As Provost, she was responsible for a $1.5 billion annual budget and the academic program involving 1,400 faculty members and 14,000 students. In 1997, she also served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender -- Integrated Training in the Military.
From 1989 through March 1991, Rice served on President George H.W. Bush’s National Security Council staff. She served as Director; Senior Director of Soviet and East European Affairs; and, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, Rice also served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
As professor of Political Science, Rice has been on the Stanford faculty since 1981 and has won two of the highest teaching honors – the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1993 School of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching. She has authored and coauthored numerous books, including three bestsellers, Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom (2017); No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington (2011); and Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family (2010). She also wrote Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft (1995) with Philip Zelikow; The Gorbachev Era (1986) with Alexander Dallin; and Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army (1984).
In 1991, Rice cofounded the Center for a New Generation (CNG), an innovative, after-school academic enrichment program for students in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California. In 1996, CNG merged with the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula (an affiliate club of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America). CNG has since expanded to local BGCA chapters in Birmingham, Atlanta, and Dallas. She remains an active proponent of an extended learning day through after school programs.
Since 2009, Rice has served as a founding partner at RiceHadleyGates, LLC, an international strategic consulting firm based in Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C. The firm works with senior executives of major companies to implement strategic plans and expand in emerging markets. Other partners include former National Security Advisor Stephen J. Hadley and former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates.
Rice currently serves on the boards of Dropbox, an online-storage technology company; C3, an energy software company; and Makena Capital, a private endowment firm. In addition, she is vice chair of the board of governors of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America; a member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education; and a trustee of the Aspen Institute. Previously, Rice served on various additional boards, including those of: the George W. Bush Institute; the Commonwealth Club; KiOR, Inc.; the Chevron Corporation; the Charles Schwab Corporation; the Transamerica Corporation; the Hewlett-Packard Company; the University of Notre Dame; the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; and, the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors.
In 2013, Rice was appointed to the College Football Playoff Committee, formerly the Bowl Championship Series.
Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Rice earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver; her master’s from the University of NotreDame; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver.
Rice is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded thirteen honorary doctorates. She currently resides in Stanford, California.
DR. AMY B. ZEGART is the Davies Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, senior fellow at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, professor of political science (by courtesy), and co-director at Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). She directs the Cyber Policy Program and is a contributing editor to The Atlantic.
Before coming to Stanford in 2011, Zegart served as professor of public policy at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs. Her research examines U.S. intelligence challenges, cyber security, grand strategy, and American foreign policy. She has authored several books, including Flawed by Design: The Evolution of the CIA, JCS, and NSC, which won the highest national dissertation award in political science, and Spying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11, which won the National Academy of Public Administration’s Brownlow Book Award. Her most recent book is Eyes on Spies: Congress and the United States Intelligence Community.
Her current research includes a book with Condoleezza Rice on how business leaders can manage political risk (Twelve Books, May 1, 2018), a project on drones and coercion, and a book about intelligence challenges in the digital age.
Zegart was featured by the National Journal as one of the ten most influential experts in intelligence reform. She served on the Clinton administration's National Security Council staff and as a foreign policy adviser to the Bush-Cheney 2000 presidential campaign. She has testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, provided training to the Marine Corps, and advised officials on intelligence and homeland security matters. From 2009 to 2011 she served on the National Academies of Science Panel to Improve Intelligence Analysis. Her commentary has been featured on national television and radio shows and in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times.
Before her academic career, Zegart spent three years at McKinsey & Company advising leading companies about strategy and organizational effectiveness.
A former Fulbright scholar, Zegart received an AB in East Asian studies magna cum laude from Harvard University and an MA and PhD in political science from Stanford University. She served on the FBI Intelligence Analysts Association National Advisory Board and the Los Angeles Police Department’s Counter-terrorism and Community Police Advisory Board. She also served on the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Task Force on Nuclear Nonproliferation and is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She currently serves on the Social Science Research Council Task Force on Securing Knowledge and on the board of directors of Kratos Defense and Security Solutions.
Parking will be available in Lot 7. From the 405 Freeway, exit at Sunset Blvd East. Follow Sunset Blvd and take a right turn at Westwood Plaza. Take a right at the light on Charles. E Young Drive N. and make a left at the next traffic light into Parking lot 7. Parking Lot 7 only offers all day parking passes for $12 (cash only). Pay-by-Space parking spaces are also available (cash or credit card) in Lot 4.
From Lot 7, proceed West up Charles E. Young Drive North to Carnesale Commons. The Palisades Ballroom is on the second floor.
• Arrive early, doors open at 12:30 pm
• All registered guests will be required to check-in and present valid photo ID when they arrive.
• There will be no stand-by line on the day of the event. Guests who are not registered prior to the event will not be admitted.
• No recording is permitted at this event.
• Details for this event are subject to change.
• Please check our website for last minute details prior to the event.
Sponsor(s): Burkle Center for International Relations, UCLA Center for Global Management, UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation