A one-day conference on the Indian origins of Buddhism.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Haines A39

Program, Indian Roots of Global Buddhism, UCLA Saturday April 29 2017:
10:00 Welcome Remarks (Monica L. Smith, Professor, UCLA Department of Anthropology and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair in Indian Studies)
10:10 Religious Studies at UCLA (Carol Bakhos, Professor, UCLA Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures; Director, UCLA Center for the Study of Religion)
10:20 Buddhist Scholarship In Los Angeles (Robert Brown, Professor, UCLA Department of Art History; Curator of South and Southeast Asian Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art).
10:30 Robin A.E. Coningham (Professor and UNESCO Chair in Archaeological Ethics and Practice in Cultural Heritage, Durham University)
“Archaeology, Pilgrimage and Tradition: Excavating Lumbini and the Natal Landscape of the Buddha”
11:15 Jason Neelis (Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Culture, Wilfred Laurier University)
“Endangered Signposts of Buddhist Transmission: Upper Indus Petroglyphs and Inscriptions"
12:00-1:15: Lunch
1:15 Robert D. DeCaroli (Professor, Department of History and Art History, George Mason University)
“Snakes and Gutters: Buddhist Rainmaking in Art and Text”
2:00 Shahnaj Husne Jahan (Professor and Director of the Center for Archaeological Studies, University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh)
“Re-visioning the Buddhist Landscape of Bangladesh”
2:45 Hannah Bloch (Digital Editor, National Public Radio)
“On the Journalistic Trail of Buddhist Heritage in Afghanistan: The Case of Mes Aynak”
3:30 M.B. Rajani (Assistant Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore)
“Buddhist sites in India: Geospatial Insights Into Their Past and Future”
4:15 Ross Davison (Production Lead, CyArk.org)
“Utilizing Reality Capture Technology for Rapid Damage Assessment: Recent Research on Buddhist Myanmar”
5:00 Closing Remarks (Gregory Schopen, Professor, UCLA Asian Languages and Cultures)
5:15 - 6:30 Reception
Download file: Buddhism-Poster-Large1-uj-a53.pdf
Sponsor(s): Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for India and South Asia, Program on Central Asia, Anthropology, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Center for the Study of Religion, Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair in Indian Studies