The renowned writer and activist DAI Qing will give a talk on China’s the pressing environmental issues, anchoring on the story of Beijing’s water resource. The increasing water shortage in the nation’s capital is a social and political tale, threatening to tarnish the rise of China, and to complicate the cosmopolitan glories of Beijing.
The talk will be in Mandarin Chinese.
DAI Qing is a prominent journalist, writer, and activist in China. She was a reporter with Guangming Daily, renowned for her long-form interviews, before 1989. She was arrested and imprisoned in1989. Her recent activism has been focused on environmental issues. A prolific writer, she has published more than 20 books in Chinese. Among them five have been translated into English, including Wang Shiwei and Wild Lilies, and Yangtze Yangtze: Controversy over the Three Gorges Dam Project, two of her works widely known to the scholars in the west. She was the winner of the Golden Pen for Freedom Award in 1992 in Prague, and the Goldman Environmental Award in 1993 in San Francisco.