The Koguryo Research Foundation, launched on March 1, 2004, is an academic foundation, sponsoring research in ancient Korean and East Asian history. By supporting research projects on this period, often little-understood and clouded with misconceptions, we aspire to restore historical truths of Korea and its surrounding regions, thus contributing to the body of historical knowledge of this important era.
We hope for wide participation in this program from research communities around the world, for academic exchange in the disciplines of Korean studies and Korean history.
I. General Information
Name of the Program: 2006 Koguryo Research Foundation International Visiting Scholar Research Fellowship Program
Fields of Research: Origins of the Korean People/ Archaeology of Northeast Asia/ History of Old Chosôn/ History of Puyo/ History of Koguryo/ Culture of Koguryo/ History of Parhae/Ancient Korea-China Relations/ Korea-China Relations from since the Koryô period/ Korea-Japan Relations since the Koryô period/ Territorial Issues in Northeast Asia since the Koryô period / Issues of Ethnicity in the Modern Period / Historical Perception or Education of Korea, China and Japan, etc.
Eligibility: International scholars specialized in one of the above-described fields, who are willing and able to visit Korea to devote a significant period of time to research in local institutions are encouraged to apply.
Eligible applicants are as follows:
- Foreign scholars who are faculties or researchers from an accredited academic or research institution, specialized in Korean history or Korean studies.
- Foreign scholars who are museum curators or other professionals in cultural properties or art, specializing in Korean arts and artifacts.
- Foreign scholars (minimum MA degree) who are currently conducting research in one of the eligible
fields listed above.
- Preference shall be given to foreign scholars who can conduct research in Korean and/or English.
- Applicants falling into one or both of the following categories are not eligible to apply for the program
- Applicants already participating in a study program or conducting research in Korea
- Applicants who have received a research grant from the Korea government or other government-supported institutions within the last 3 years.
Eligible Countries
Scholars from the following countries are encouraged to apply: Australia, China (mainland, Taiwan), France, Germany, Japan, Mongolia, Russia, United States, and Vietnam, etc.
Types of Research Fellowships
1) Long-term Visitors (6 months / 1 year)
A grant of up to 25,000,000 Korean won for the year
12,500,000 Korean won for the 6-month program
2) Short-term Visitors (1 to 2 months)
Up to 5 million Korean won
Round-trip airfare plus 65,000won per diem
Applicant may change the period of stay with the permission of the Foundation
Applications Materials
- 5 copies of completed
- The application must be accompanied by official documents issued by the relevant authority of the school or institution where the applicant is currently enrolled or employed.
- 5 copies of research proposal
- Applicants of the short-term research visits of less than 2 months should complete Research Proposal Form The form asks for one research experience, plans for collecting research materials, names of institutions to be visited, and bibliographic information.
- Curriculum vitae
- A certificate of degree conferred, and a proof of enrollment or employment by a valid school or institution authority must be provided.
- 3 letters of recommendation
- 1 letter from the head of the applicant's institution (university president, dean, director of the center, and department chair, etc.)
- 1 letter from a scholar or researcher from the applicant's country of origin
- 1 letter from a Korean scholar or researcher who can serve as an advisor or coordinator to the applicant
- Applicants for short-term research visit need only to submit one recommendation.
- All application materials must be either in Korean or in English (except for letters of recommendation)
Application Deadline
Application Procedure
- Applications may be submitted by post, email, or fax.
- Letters of recommendation must be submitted by mail.
- All documents containing signatures or official seals must be original.
Application Submission
Koguryo Research Foundation
Visiting International Scholar Research Fellowship Program Coordinator,
5rd fl. 126-1, Ilheung Bldg., Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea,
Postal Code 100-863
Telephone: +82-2-6260-2621
Fax: +82-2-6260-2698
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
II. Disbursement of Fund
Fellows must enter Korea by December 10th, 2006.
Disbursement of the Fund
a. For Long-term Visit Fellows (6 months/1 year), funds will be deposited directly to the fellows personal bank account in Korea. Approximately US $5,000 will be disbursed immediately after entry into Korea and the remaining amounts will be paid monthly in equal amounts.
b. For Short-term Visit Fellows (less than 2 months), one-half of the airfare plus 65,000 won per diem will be paid in cash immediately after arrival in Korea. The remaining one-half of the airfare will be disbursed after submission of the Final Report prior to the fellow's departure from Korea
A fellow must submit a copy of his or her Korean bank account passbook within ten (10) days of entering Korea.
A copy of the receipt for airfare must be submitted after the fellows arrival in Korea immediately.
III. Submission and Evaluation of the Final Report
Submission of the Reports
All reports should be written in Korean or English, unless specified otherwise.
a. Reports are to be submitted by regular mail.
b. Materials to be submitted
Interim Progress Report should be submitted at the mid-point of the long-term research visits (6 months to 1 year). This report is not required for short-term visit fellows (1week to 2 months).
Final Report must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the end of the research stay. Short-term (1week to 2 months). fellows are advised to submit the report immediately prior to departure from Korea.
The report but it should contain the following information: 1. institutions visited in Korea; 2. objectives of the visit; 3. list of research materials collected; 4. plans to utilize the collected materials; and 5. suggestions. Reports should be written in Korean or English if possible.
a. Long-term (6 months/1 year): please submit a manuscript within 6 months from the completion of the research stay in Korea. If you have already published the result, submit 5 reprint copies along with an electronic copy.
b. Short-term (less than 2 months): please submit your essay prior to departure from Korea.
The Koguryo Research Foundation may publish the fellows submitted manuscripts or essays in its English language journal or webzine.
Please write your all reports and manuscripts in Korean or English if possible.
Evaluation of Reports
The fellows agree to assign copyright of their submissions to Koguryo Research Foundation. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications with the written consent of the foundation.
IV. Other Provisions
Koguryo Research Foundation will not return any application material, and misrepresentation in application materials will result in revocation of award.
Research prospectus (proposals) may not be changed.
Fellows may not engage in any profit-making commercial activities in Korea during the duration of the research program sponsored by the Foundation.
Foundation does not provide accommodation or office space for visiting scholars. It is the fellow's responsibility to make all such arrangements.
Fellows may not accept any other scholarship during their research stays.
All research results produced during the period of the visiting scholar program belong to Koguryo Research Foundation.
Visiting scholars wishing to publish his/her research results in his/her country of residence must obtain express written consent from the Koguryo Research Foundation prior to publication. Publications must include an acknowledgement of support from the Foundation by stating that this publication was made possible through financial support provided by the Koguryo Research Foundation.
Fellows may be assigned a research project by the Foundation.
1. Application Form for 2006 Koguryo Research Foundation Field Research Fellowship
2. Cover Sheet for Letter of Reference for 2006 Koguryo Research Foundation Field Research Fellowship
3. Research Proposal for 2006 Koguryo Research Foundation International Visiting Scholar Fellowship (For short-term visits of less than 2 months)
4. Final Report for 2006 Koguryo Research Foundation International Visiting Scholar Fellowship (For short-term visits of less than 2 months)
Published: Wednesday, February 1, 2006