New Materials and Inter-disciplinary Methods
of Studying Twentieth-century Chinese History:
Issues of Governance in Contemporary China
July 4-11, 2016
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Deadline: April 10, 2016
The UCLA Asia Institute invites applications by students from all disciplines who are interested in using newly available county-level archival materials from the mid-20th century to study the formation and implementation of government policies in local situations. An ever increasing amount of new archival material on Chinese history, especially post-1949 history, is being amassed by scholars in China. In the third annual SJTU-UCLA Text and Research Methodology Workshop, participants will undertake intensive reading and study of a selection of such new materials collected by faculty and students at SJTU for which new scholarship in Chinese has begun to emerge. While reading archival sources is essential to historical research, these Chinese county-level materials should also be useful to anthropology, economics, political science and sociology students as well as those pursuing cultural studies in other disciplines who choose to examine the interface between discourse and political practice. An important goal of the workshop is to develop international cohorts of young scholars.
This six-day intensive summer reading and translation workshop will be held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and led jointly by Cao Shuji, Professor of History at SJTU and R. Bin Wong, Distinguished Professor of History at UCLA. The workshop is intended to serve students developing dissertation topics in an environment that brings together International and Chinese-based graduate students. Sessions will be conducted in a combination of Chinese and English languages.
2016 Workshop Topic: Issues of Governance in Contemporary China
Governance is a subject discussed widely in both Chinese and international contexts with some common ideas and much that is distinct to these different discourses. Our intent is to show how Chinese approaches to governance can be understood through an understanding of the approaches to creating a new social order and maintaining social order in a period of development and change. The materials chosen for the 2016 workshop will include a selection of those for which secondary scholarship using materials can be read and those for which a wide-ranging concept of governance can embrace.
July 4: Arrival and registration
July 5: Welcome
Orientation to archival materials for international students
July 6-10: Reading material, discussion, group work, presentations
July 11: Check out and departure
Graduate students at both the dissertation planning stage and those who are advanced to candidacy are encouraged to apply. Participants must have advanced proficiency of spoken and written Chinese to be prepared to learn to read handwritten archival materials and discuss in a bilingual environment. Students from all social science disciplines are encouraged to apply, including history, political science, anthropology, sociology, and others. A basic background understanding of contemporary Chinese history (1949-present) is recommended. Students of all national/citizenship origin are welcome.
To Apply
Applicants should submit a short statement of their research interests and how this workshop would fit into their training. Include a statement of your Chinese language background and reading level. A recommendation letter from the student’s faculty advisor is also required.
▪ Institutions outside of China: Applicants enrolled in or affiliated with institutions outside of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau must apply to the UCLA Asia Institute. Application materials should be submitted online (click here).
▪ People's Republic of China: Applicants enrolled in or affiliated with institutions in the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan should submit their applications to Dr. Zhao Siyuan (赵思渊) at
Applications due April 10, 2016
A workshop fee of $350 is required for all international participants. A non-refundable deposit of $50 will be required upon acceptance to the program, with the balance due by June 1, 2016.
For an additional fee of 30 RMB per night, participants may reserve housing in the SJTU graduate hall. Meal cards will also be available upon arrival.
Participants are expected to pay their own travel costs. International graduate students are encouraged to apply to their home institutions for funding to cover travel and workshop costs.
For questions about the workshop, please contact Prof. Bin Wong at
For questions about registration, please contact Elizabeth Leicester at
For more info please contact:
Elizabeth Leicester
eleicester@international.ucla.eduPublished: Thursday, February 4, 2016