Two decades after its transformation from a British colony to become China’s Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong is an arena of tensions punctuated by local-Mainland discord and mutual distrust. Four political leaders and six academics from Hong Kong pinpoint the dynamics shaping their city of 7.2 million amid a contest between the local liberal values/democratic aspirations and the authoritarian orthodoxy of its party-state sovereign. Anchored in multidisciplinary approaches with divergent ideo-political perspectives, this half-day forum engages UCLA faculty and students with the local community and Hong Kong front-liners.
1:00–1:15 Welcoming Remarks
Min ZHOU | Director, UCLA Asia Pacific Center; Professor, Departments of Sociology and Asian American Studies, UCLA
1:15–2:30 Panel 1: HKSAR Political Dynamics
Chair: Alex WANG | Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Law
“Ideologies and Factionalism in Beijing-HK Relations: Nationalism vs. Localism”
Sonny S. H. LO | Deputy Director (Arts and Sciences), University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education; President, Hong Kong Political Science Association
“Party Under-Development in Arrested Democratization: 20 Years after 1997 in Hong Kong”
Ngok MA | Associate Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Stages of the Democratic Movement in Hong Kong”
Benny Y. T. TAI | Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
2:30–3:45 Panel 2: HKSAR Socio-Economic Dimensions
Chair: Yunxiang YAN | Director, UCLA Center for Chinese Studies; Professor, Department of Anthropology, UCLA
“HKSAR’s Role in PRC Financial Globalization”
Vic Y. W. LI | Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Education University of Hong Kong
“Constitutive Censorship: A New Face of Newsroom Control in Hong Kong”
Allan K. L. AU | Professorial Consultant, School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong; award-winning documentary film director/producer
“State-Society Interface—Policing HKSAR Popular Protests, 1997-2017”
Lawrence K. K. HO | Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Education University of Hong Kong
4:10–4:20 Welcoming Remarks
C. Cindy FAN | UCLA Vice-Provost in International Studies and Global Engagement; Professor, Department of Geography, UCLA
4:20–6:00 Roundtable
Chair and Moderator: C.K. LEE | Professor, Department of Sociology, UCLA
Martin LEE | Founding Chair, HK Democratic Party; HK Basic Law Drafter; Former Legislator; Former President, HK Bar Association
Cheong CHING | Veteran Journalist; Chief China Correspondent, Singapore Straits Times; Former Deputy Chief Editor, Wen Wei Po (HK); Co-Founder, Independent Commentators Association
Jasper TSANG | Former President, Legislative Council of Hong Kong; Founding Chair, Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong
WANG Zhenmin | Director General, Law Department, PRC Central Liaison Office in Hong Kong; Former Dean, Tsing Hua Law School; PRC NPC HK Basic Law Committee Member