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Material Culture and Maritime Asia: New International Perspectives

Material Culture and Maritime Asia: New International Perspectives

Podcast now available for "Material Culture and Maritime Asia: New International Perspectives"

The fourth and final workshop in the China in Asia series is presented with the Huntington Library, Pacific Spaces: Comparisons and Connections across the Pacific Ocean in Early Modern Times, on November 5 and 6, 2010. The Pacific region has become increasingly prominent in contemporary global economics, politics, and cultural affairs. Historical studies of these phenomena trace the evolution of Pacific connections and migrations in the early modern and modern eras. This conference features scholarship that looks out from both Asia and the Americas in order to better understand how Pacific crossings fit into the regional histories of maritime Asia and the Americas. A workshop held in conjunction at UCLA on Material Culture and Maritime Asia: New International Perspectives on November 4 honors the memory of Roxanna Brown.


Min Li, UCLA
Takeshi Hamashita, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou
Pei-kai Cheng, City University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Robert Brown, UCLA

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Duration: 1:17:38


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Published: Wednesday, December 1, 2010