The Ethiopian Americans Council (EAC) presents a forum featuring keynote speaker Honorable Ana Gomes.
Sunday, July 2, 2006
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Hilton Los Angeles Airport
5711 West Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Keynote speaker:
Honorable Ana Gomes -- "Reflections on the 2005 Ethiopian Parliamentary Elections"
Member of the European Parliament
Head of the 2005 European Union's Observer Mission to Ethiopia
Guest speakers:
Gregory Simpkins -- "The Importance of HR 4423 in the Democratization Process in Today's Ethiopia"
Professional Staff Member, U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Adviser to the Chairman on Africa policy
Alemayehu (Al) Mariam -- "Engaging Ethiopian Americans in U.S. Politics: Awakening a Sleeping Giant"
Professor, California State University, San Bernardino and a defense attorney
Paulos Milkias -- "The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Democracy & Human Rights in Ethiopia"
Professor, Marianopolis College/Concordia University in Montreal, Canada
Menna Demessie -- "Building Ethiopian Americans Constituency & Coalition at the Grassroots Level"
Doctoral Student, Political Science Department/Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
General information about the meeting arrangements can be found:
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Journalists must register via to cover the event.
The forum will take place in Los Angeles during the 23rd Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) which will be held from July 2 - 8. As part of the Sports Federation Soccer and Cultural Festival at the LA Coliseum, there will be fashion shows, art auctions, soccer matches - for children, artists vs. journalists, etc. - and more with invited guests including Olympic cyclist Geremew Demboba, marathoner Fatuma Roba, Professor Richard Pankhurst, legendary footballer, "Temenjaw," Fisseha WoldeAmanuel, Teddy Afro, and special guest of honor, the legendary Tilahun Gessesse.
Come and enjoy the informational forum, as well as food, music, cultural artifacts and cheer for your favorite teams with friends and family at the soccer tournament and cultural festival!
Cost : Free and open to the public: Mention the Ethiopian forum/conference and self parking costs $9 (reduced rate, otherwise, it's $12)
Ethiopian Americans Council (EAC)262-436-7178
Sponsor(s): Ethiopian Americans Council (EAC). Information on non-ASC events is forwarded for informational purposes and does not reflect opinions of or endorsements by African Studies Center personnel.